Two Bedroom Granny Flat Plans for Australia
We have Designed a New Series of Two Bedroom Granny Flat Plans – uniquely customised for Australians!
We have just completed our new series of new Two Bedroom Granny Flats, which take into account the broad Australian climate and landscape. Our new 2 bedroom granny flat floor plans can be built on piers or on a new concrete slab. The unique feature of these designs is that they provide a ‘house-feel’ within a smaller Unit, which truly revolutionises the way that granny flats are built in Australia, at a time when demand is at an all-time high.
1. The Belinda –
2. The Grant –
3. The Melanie –
4. The Kenneth –
5. The Joseph –
These are just five of our new Two-Bedroom Granny Flat designs, which have been specifically designed for Australian conditions and Australian occupants. We say this because EVERY ONE of the designs above has actually been built in Sydney, NSW within the last 12 months.
Sydney is running out of space! New vacant land in Sydney is becoming rarer than hen’s teeth whilst at the same time, prices for new vacant land are still quite unreachable for young people. Couple that with a lack of land in the central metropolitan suburbs, increasing traffic and you have a very high demand for convenient and affordable secondary dwellings. This is true not only in Sydney, but also in some rural centres such as Wagga Wagga, Orange and parts of The Hunter to the north; and Wollongong/Kiama in the southern regions.
At Granny Flats Sydney, we have been asked to design, approve and build specifically unique granny flats which really do feel like a house, both in design and inclusions. Our two bedroom granny flats boast large bedrooms, a central combined kitchen/living/dining area and an integrated bathroom/laundry with a courtyard and separate access for the occupants.
So we’re very excited to bring these designs to you which have been tried, tested and built by Australians, for Australians. Feel free to browse our other one, two and even three bedroom granny flats RIGHT HERE and let us know what you think.
Warm Regards,
Serge Panayi – Granny Flats Sydney.
2 replies on Two Bedroom Granny Flat Plans for Australia
I really like your images Serge, really help with choosing which design you want. great work.
Thanks Sunjay. Theres only so many configurations you can play with at 60 sq m. but we still manage to find new ways of doing things.
Thanks for the feedback.